Daily Steps Counting to Stay Fit
Are you counting your daily steps? Are 5,000 enough for you — or maybe too many? According to Mayo Clinic, walking can help improve your health and figure out to set the right goal. Walking is a type of activity that is accessible to the vast majority. You don’t need any special equipment other than some supportive walking shoes. And there’s no need for an expensive gym membership.Yet walking is a regular activity that can help your to reduce the risk of common health problems including heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression.Those having these health problems happened from sitting too much during the day. Adding any normal activity to your routine is beneficial. Doing some activity is better than not doing any activity. On average, a Malaysian walks 3,963 steps
daily, way below the global average of 5,000 steps
To re-emphasizing the 6 main points highlighted by our YBhg. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin. Chief Statistician Malaysia on his speech - of reading, proud (proud of duty & profession), knowledge, prudent and stay fit. Stay fit is one of the core elements to make sure we always prepared for our daily activities physically and mentally. From that point, that give us an idea to record our daily activity while attending Statistical Competencies Development Program (SCDP 2019) at Institut Latihan Statistik Malaysia (ILSM), Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia, Sungkai, Perak for 4 months (currently 5 weeks).
- Step count is the number of steps recorded throughout the day using digital activity (build-in iPhone Apps). These devices count steps for any activity that involves step-like movement, including walking, running, stair-climbing and many more.
- All data were automatically recorded and extracted then transfer for analysis.
- Data visualization are perform using Tableau Public.
- Further analysis on data description, prediction was analyzed for better insight in the data.
- Discussion on insight of data as below:
On average, a SCDP 2019 participant walks 6,693 steps
daily (median = 6,822) equal to 4.4km (median=4.1km), above the global average of 5,000 steps
. From the data, it can conclude that our activity during SCDP 2019 program give us astounding effect in term of daily health. More steps a day keeps the doctor away.
By comparison between busy days and day off, it seen that we are more active on weekday compare to weekend - involving with various activities planned by the DOSM organizer.
Daily Distance (km) by Week
Daily Number of Steps by Week
How far will you go today? Your objective will rely upon starting point. Yet, almost everybody can receive the benefits of walking more, step by step. Once you’ve determined your goals, try better ideas for fitting more walking into your routine.
Better data, better lives…